Battery Management System
Remote-XLITE is an outboard, modular, charge only smart BMS which is compatible with our monitoring slaves and with any other battery pack using ENNOID's standard for cell & temperature monitoring
Outboard Smart BMS compatible with the VESC ecosystem
Powered by the battery charger (Either powered by the main charger voltage or by the charger 5V-12V auxiliary output)
2 wires ISOSPI communication between Remote-XLITE & battery pack
Pack auto-detect & BMS auto-configuration (Manual configuration is required for packs without integrated RFID tag/EEPROM)
Isolated CAN bus & Bluetooth connectivity
Cell voltage, humidity, internal & up to 2 external temperature sensors, charge current, SoC, SoH, Wh, Ah, pack & charger voltages monitoring
Buzzer, Status LED
1 x I2C bus (For charge hub & some other I2C devices)
1 x Digital to analog output for charger voltage control
1 x Output for external charge switch
XT30 main battery & charger connector
How to use:
For convenience and trouble free setup, please use the Remote-XLITE with a certified battery charger and with the official XT60 (2+4) plug adapter set
Install the slaves into your battery pack or purchase a battery pack with integrated ENNOID slaves from a certified vendor
Connect your battery charger to the wall outlet (120V to 240V AC)
Connect the Remote-XLITE to your battery charger
For charging, connect the Remote-XLITE to your battery pack.
With the proper hardware and during normal operation, the battery pack is automatically identified by the Remote-XLITE every time a new battery pack gets connected to it. The charger voltage is also automatically adjusted according to the battery pack needs.
Additional steps may be required when using non-certified chargers or battery packs.
Add-on :
Battery pack charge port protection module
MK8-XLITE module (For low cost pack monitoring when using an MK8-VESC)
Charging hub (Enable sequential charging of multiple packs from a single Remote-XLITE and certified charger)
Sold without accessories or Add-On. Please buy the appropriate accessories or Add-On for your own particular needs.
Picture coming soon